The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is a centralized database where all the verified trademark information is stored. The trademark information once placed into the TMCH can save the time, cost and efforts of saving the same data for validation during registry. If a TMCH valid entry there then it can provide the foundation with Sunrise participation and also early notice of third party registrations if at all concerned.
We at Domain Tegrity specialize in offering services as an approved agent of the TMCH. We help our clients the following services:
We communicate with TMCH on behalf of our clients and help in submission and also in future.
We advise our clients on selecting the best trademarks for TMCH so that they will be the most appropriate and can be protected.
We pre-validate and ensure that the trademark information is eligible to be submitted to TMCH so that the loss of time and money is not happening to our clients for re-submission.
We have properly examined the cases of the thousands of new entries and come up with the best suggestions for our clients.
We assist our clients in managing cash flow and billing by invoicing and ensure that our clients should NOT offer any TMCH prior or via cards.
We do the complete documentation work on behalf of our clients.
We store and manage the Signed Marked Data (SMD) files of our clients which are required in the registration process. We ensure that the clients get cost effective and timely registration.
We keep vigilance on the launch of every new registry, and inform our clients to the Sunrise dates and rules.
We assist our clients with new gTLD domain registrations during the Sunrise period and after that.
We also provide multilingual language support so that our international clients find it easy.